Over 45000 commercial activities in Oman under 10 popular categories

  • Date: 20-Dec-2020
  • Source: Times of Oman
  • Sector:Economy
  • Country:Oman
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Over 45000 commercial activities in Oman under 10 popular categories

Muscat: The total number of commercial activities at the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Investment Promotion (MoCIIP) under the 10 most registered categories, till the third quarter of 2020 reached 45,673, compared to 42,692 activities registered in same period of 2019, recording an increase of 20.34%, according to MoCIIP.The MoCIIP pointed out that the increase in the registration process of the 10 most registered commercial activities is due to the commitment of investors to the conditions and regulations of the investment, as well as the facilities provided by the electronic portal "Invest Easy" in addition to the speed of completion of transactions in record time.The Statistics Department at MOCIIP shows that the building, construction and contracting activity was the most recorded activity, with 8,111 activities during the third quarter of this year, followed by the export and import offices with 6,053 activities, grocery stores with 4,721 activities, cafes that provide meals with 4,644 activities, and coffee shops that serve drinks recorded 4,360 activities.The statistics also shows that the number of restaurant activities registered during the same period reached 3,593 activities, while hair cutting, hairdressing and men's shaving activities recorded 3,588 activities and refrigeration recorded 3,438 activities.