Tidal Turbines: A rare Scottish success story

  • Date: 11-Jan-2023
  • Source: Energy Voice
  • Sector:Retail
  • Country:Saudi Arabia
  • Who else needs to know?

Tidal Turbines: A rare Scottish success story

Regardless of what government, its agencies and trade groups try to claim, offshore wind has not had that Saudi Arabia scale impact on the Scottish supply chain scene some hoped it would.

The ScotWind programme is supposed to be designed to make a difference but as I haven’t yet noticed any Scottish companies rushing to make the necessary investment to achieve any meaningful progress on supply chain development I have this feeling it will be yet another damp squib.

It’s always struck me as interesting that whilst wind energy projects are still receiving fairly consistent high levels of both publicity and financial support tidal energy is still seen as something of a bit of an outlier and I don’t understand why.