LuLu Group expands private label product range

  • Date: 08-Dec-2021
  • Source: Zawya
  • Sector:Retail
  • Country:UAE
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LuLu Group expands private label product range

In a move to strengthen its own label and underscore food security in the region, leading retailer, LuLu Group launched its latest product categories in collaboration with world-class brands and leading manufacturers. The region’s top food industry exhibition, SIAL 2021 was inaugurated by Sheikh Nahyan Bin Mubarak Al Nahyan, minister of tolerance and coexistence in Abu Dhabi in which the brand signed MOUs (memorandum of understanding) and launched many food products in association with Abu Dhabi producer Elite Agro, Jordan-based food tech giant Nabil Foods which is now part of Agthia Group and international conglomerate The Walt Disney Company. The MOU signing and products launches were done in the presence of Mohamed Ali Al Shorafa Al Hammadi, chairman of Abu Dhabi Department of Economic Development and other top officials. LuLu officials present during the ceremonies were Saifee Rupawala CEO, Ashraf Ali MA, executive director, Saleem VI, COO and other officials. var width=document.documentElement.clientWidth;if(width>=320&&width<728){}; googletag.cmd.push(function(){try{var d=document.documentElement.clientWidth;var a;var c="/21857811890/en.zcom/";var b;if(d>=320&&d<728){a=[300,250];b=["mobile_mr_story"]}else{a=[300,250];b=["MR_Story"]}var h="MR_Story";var g=googletag.defineSlot("/21857811890/en.zcom/",a,"div-gpt-ad-MR_Story").setTargeting("type",b).addService(googletag.pubads());gptAdSlots.push(g);if(h!="MR_Story"){googletag.pubads().collapseEmptyDivs(true,true)}googletag.pubads().enableSingleRequest();googletag.enableServices();if((h=="PSB_Left")||(h=="mobile_psb_left")||(h=="PSB_Top")||(h=="mobile_psb_top")||(h=="PSB_Bottom")||(h=="mobile_psb_bottom")||(h=="PSB_Middle")||(h=="mobile_psb_middle")||(h=="leaderboard_home")||(h=="leaderboard_bottom_home")||(h=="mobile_leaderboard_home")||(h=="mobile_leaderboard_bottom_home")){setInterval(function(){googletag.pubads().refresh([g])},240000)}}catch(f){console.log("Error loading Ad banner "+h)}}); try{googletag.cmd.push(function(){googletag.display("div-gpt-ad-MR_Story")})}catch(e){console.log("Error displaying Ad banner "+bannerName)}; MA Yusuffali, chairman, Lulu Group, said: “We are seeing robust growth for private label products in our stores across the region and we are investing heavily to further grow the range and