From shopping in bulk to finding deals: 6 ways UAE residents maximise savings

  • Date: 15-Aug-2023
  • Source: Zawya
  • Sector:Retail
  • Country:UAE
  • Who else needs to know?

From shopping in bulk to finding deals: 6 ways UAE residents maximise savings

UAE residents of various nationalities find innovative ways to stretch their money and boost their savings. This comes as three cities in the UAE, including Abu Dhabi, Dubai, and Sharjah, have been ranked among the world’s top ten most affordable cosmopolitan cities’ list.

We spoke to a cross-section of expats to find out how they budget, cut spending and save money.

Efraim Santos

Sharjah resident and Brazilian national Efraim Santos has been living in the UAE for over two years now. Here are his tips for saving money:

Shop smart: Efraim shops from three different groceries. “There are certain things that are cheaper in certain places,” he said. “I have carefully examined them over months and now I know what groceries I should buy from where. All three groceries are just around my home, and I walk to each of them. Also, I don’t shop online to reduce impulse buys.”

Join social media groups: According to Efraim, social media groups have saved him a lot of money. “I have joined some Facebook and Whatsapp groups where other expats share deals that they find,” he said. “I needed a good quality water bottle. I was looking for a particular brand, but they cost more than Dh100.