Here’s how UAE restaurants are driving sustainability

  • Date: 28-Jun-2023
  • Source: Gulf Business
  • Sector:Retail
  • Country:UAE
  • Who else needs to know?

Here’s how UAE restaurants are driving sustainability

UAE-based restaurants are implementing an array of sustainable initiatives in their outlets while those opening new outlets are now considering sustainability as a major part of the design layout, according to consultancy firm Beluga Hospitality. Building a more sustainable operation start with the layout of the kitchen. said the kitchen layout must not only be strategic for the movement of chefs but it should allow the equipment to have breathing space. “Keeping an ice machine next to an oven will waste more energy and it will also cause the breakdown of equipment much faster, forcing restaurant owners to invest in new equipment more regularly,” the consultancy firm said in a research note. Though restaurants have a notable environmental impact, the industry has made significant strides in implementing sustainable practices. Several sustainability practices should be ongoing and can be adopted by running operations there are many steps that companies can consider when opening a new establishment. These include using high-efficiency equipment in the kitchen, LED light bulbs, induction cookers where possible and installing smart thermostats – all of which will save both energy and money. From an operational perspective, there is an incredible reduction of single-use plastics in the UAE and