Saudi Arabia throws its support behind cloud-seeding technology

Saudi Arabia throws its support behind cloud-seeding technology

Saudi throws its support behind cloud-seeding technology /node/1629921/saudi-arabia. DUBAI: Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) member states, including Saudi Arabia, have long been providing generous supplies of water for drinking and sanitation to their populations.. It came as no surprise when the Saudi Cabinet recently approved a cloud-seeding program that aims to increase rainfall in the Kingdom by almost 20 percent.. Since a three-day downpour caused flooding in parts of the UAE in November last year, there has been a lot of speculation in the region as to whether cloud seeding was responsible for the unusually heavy rain.. The technology can increase the amount of rain by up to 70 percent, depending on the quality of the clouds, according to studies.. The technology will not seek to create clouds; instead, it will aim to increase rainfall by providing cloud-condensation nuclei.. Saudi Arabia's decision to explore cloud seeding is a no-brainer: With an average rainfall of about 59 mm a year, it is one of the world's driest countries.. The rest of the Kingdom's water demand is met mostly through desalination of almost 2.7 billion cubic meters of seawater each year.. 80-85% - Kingdom's water demand currently met by groundwater sources.. 59mm