Saudi Aramco IPO: the ultimate marriage between carbon and capitalism

Saudi Aramco IPO: the ultimate marriage between carbon and capitalism

A firm with the biggest carbon footprint seeks cash to grow just as the fight against climate change needs it to shrinkSaudi Aramco gets go ahead for $1.5tn listingRoll up! Roll up! The world's biggest climate polluter, Saudi Aramco is poised to announce the world's biggest stock flotation in an ultimate marriage of carbon and capital. Any institution with tens of millions of dollars and few qualms about the environment is invited.Entry is not as exclusive as it sounds. Individuals with a lot less cash and a lot more concern may also inadvertently find themselves as guests through pension funds that automatically track the stock markets. Related: Saudi oil giant Aramco gets go ahead for $1.5tn stock listing We believe that the escalating climate crisis is the defining issue of our lifetimes and that the planet is in the grip of an emergency. We know that our readers and supporters around the world care passionately about this too, as so many of you have told us. Related: Why are we being herded into buying part of the world's biggest polluter? Continue reading...