Saudi-Russia Oil Price War Stokes Investor Concerns

Saudi-Russia Oil Price War Stokes Investor Concerns

and the amount of money that got taken out for oil producers. It was a Russia shooting in Saudi Arabia.. issuing a Russia or was Russia shooting the United States .. our own shale industry which might not have happened if they had. effort was to get the shale industry to basically kill over.. happens with some sort of assistance through credit markets to. the biggest shale producers will be really key to keeping them. really interesting is why would Russia and Saudi Arabia do this. time by the way is that normally when you have such a big oil. fault lines is going to be in the energy sector particularly the. intersect energy sector in the US is off.. What happens when the assets go up for sale.. oil majors because the oil majors just before this happened have. been trying to diversify their sources of energy away from oil. think the forces of renewable energy is one reason that we have. Oil prices went up but then they really did go down. and gas and at least oil and maybe more focus on natural gas. including local U.S. natural gas and shale gas as well as. Bob can