Technical and administration checks take place for 15th Hail Nissan Rally – Saudi Gazette

Technical and administration checks take place for 15th Hail Nissan Rally – Saudi Gazette

The Saudi Automobile and Motorcycle Federation (SAMF) conducted their technical scrutineering and administration checks for the 15th Hail Nissan Rally, the opening round of the 2020 Saudi Desert Rally Championship, on Monday.. The event gets under way with the traditional ceremonial start in Hail from 16.00 hrs on Tuesday and then runs over four days in the An Nafud desert before the ceremonial finish podium on Saturday evening.. Scrutineering enables rally officials to check aspects of safety on the vehicles, in addition to checking the eligibility of components for the various categories and classes.. The first of four desert selective sections start at 08.00 hrs on Wednesday morning and the weekend's action culminates with the ceremonial podium at the Maghwat Conference Centre from 18.00 hrs on Saturday evening..