Bahrain’s spirit of innovation, commitment to sustainable development continue even after the pandemic, minister tells Arab News

  • Date: 25-Jul-2023
  • Source: Arab News
  • Sector:Technology
  • Country:Bahrain
  • Who else needs to know?

Bahrain’s spirit of innovation, commitment to sustainable development continue even after the pandemic, minister tells Arab News

NEW YORK CITY: In the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, Bahrain won wide praise for its successful response, which experts said balanced the public health crisis with sustainable development objectives in a way that demonstrated the country’s commitment to “leaving no one behind” and embracing technology to drive innovation.

In an exclusive interview with Arab News in New York City on the sidelines of the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development Goals, Noor Alkhulaif, Bahrain’s minister of sustainable development, shed light on the strategies and initiatives that shaped the government’s approach to tackling the pandemic.

The forum is a UN platform that brought together global leaders and stakeholders to review and discuss progress, challenges, and solutions related to SDG implementation.

The SDGs are a set of 17 global objectives adopted by all UN member states in 2015. They serve as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure prosperity for all by 2030.

They aim to address a wide range of interconnected issues, including poverty, hunger, health, education, gender equality, clean water, climate action, and sustainable economic growth, among others. Each goal has specific targets and indicators to measure progress toward achieving a more sustainable and equitable world.

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