Drilling for Digital Oil: Is Blockchain the New Digital Oil of The Middle East?

  • Date: 17-Nov-2021
  • Source: MENAFN
  • Sector:Technology
  • Country:Gulf
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Drilling for Digital Oil: Is Blockchain the New Digital Oil of The Middle East?

(MENAFN- Mid-East. Info) Abu Dhabi, UAE: As the world mobilises more toward blockchain, it seems that everywhere you look, MENA countries are taking the lead in helping to establish cryptocurrency as the future of finance. Countries in the region have a long-established reputation for being ahead of the curve when it comes to backing emerging technologies. Now, an IDC blockchain expenditure guide advised last month that blockchain spending is expected to rise at 48. 0 per cent CAGR throughout the 2020-2024 prediction period. Numbers like this indicate the MENA region has struck oil again through their early adoption and government support of blockchain. So begs the question: Is blockchain the new digital oil of the Middle East, and, if so, what does this mean for the future of the region and cryptocurrency? This is just one of the key themes to be explored at next month's DCS 2021 in Abu Dhabi as part of the impressive Blockchain World Festival. The event brings some of the best minds in blockchain to the UAE, none more so than keynote speaker Dr Saifedean Ammous. An economist and an educator, Ammous is also the author of the"Bitcoin Standard", the best-selling book on Bitcoin that