F1: Hamilton quickest but Bottas takes pole – Gulf Digital News

  • Date: 10-Oct-2021
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F1: Hamilton quickest but Bottas takes pole – Gulf Digital News

ISTANBUL: Lewis Hamilton qualified quickest for the Turkish Grand Prix yesterday but a 10-place grid penalty for the Formula One championship leader meant Mercedes teammate Valtteri Bottas took pole position.

Hamilton’s title rival Max Verstappen, two points behind the Briton with seven races remaining, qualified third for Red Bull and will join Bottas on the front row at Istanbul Park today.

The pole was a first since Portugal in May for Bottas, and the 18th of his career, but Hamilton was fastest in every phase of qualifying after taking the hit for a new engine that exceeded his season’s allocation.

“Tomorrow is going to be difficult but I’ll give it everything,” said Britain’s seven times world champion Hamilton of the task ahead.

“We’ve got the long straight down the back, we’ll see what we can do. Hopefully we can give the fans here a good race.”

Verstappen took a grid penalty at the previous race in Russia and finished second after starting at the back of the field, his progress helped after late rain caused problems for others.

Mercedes will be looking to Bottas, who is leaving the team for Alfa Romeo at the end of the season, to keep Verstappen behind him while Hamilton