Orange Jordan, JOHUD and EU celebrate Women Digital Centers’ Graduation – Roya News English

  • Date: 10-Nov-2022
  • Source: Roya News
  • Sector:Technology
  • Country:Jordan
  • Who else needs to know?

Orange Jordan, JOHUD and EU celebrate Women Digital Centers’ Graduation – Roya News English

Orange Jordan, the Jordanian Hashemite Development Fund (JOHUD) and the European Union (EU) celebrated the graduation of a new cohort from the Women Digital Centers, a program that the company implements with JOHUD, in cooperation with the “Innovation Space”, a three-year project co-funded by the European Union’s “Innovation for Enterprise Growth and Jobs” program “Innovate Jordan.”

The graduation ceremony was attended by the European Union Ambassador to Jordan, Maria Hadjitheodosiou, CEO of Jordan, Thierry Marigny, and the Executive Director of JOHUD, Farah Al-Daghestani.

The recent cohorts comprising 130 young women completed their training through the 8 centers available across the kingdom, including 3 centers under the “Innovation Space” project. The graduates received their certificates after completing the program that aims to reach women across Jordan.