Al-Bahar: Pandemic showed how serious and committed NBK is to digital approach

  • Date: 08-Dec-2021
  • Source: Kuwait Times
  • Sector:Technology
  • Country:Kuwait
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Al-Bahar: Pandemic showed how serious and committed NBK is to digital approach

KUWAIT: Shaikha Al-Bahar, the Deputy Chief Executive Officer of National Bank of Kuwait (NBK) Group said that the pandemic accelerated the drive towards digitization while differentiating how serious and committed each bank is to its digital approach. Al-Bahar’s statements came in her participation in a webinar themed “Are You Prepared for the New Age of Digital Banking?”, which was organized by Bloomberg and hosted a number of regional banking leaders. Al-Bahar went on to say that NBK’s diversification strategy has paid off during the challenging times of the pandemic, noting that this goes back to the eighties when it expanded sectorally and geographically in key financial locations across the world.

Partnership with the youth

Al-Bahar mentioned: “NBK is present in 14 countries and offer all financial services including conventional, Islamic banking, investment banking and wealth management, trade and project finance among others. More importantly and as of last week, we also launched “Weyay”, the first digital bank in Kuwait, reflecting the vigorous and tech-savvy nature of the Kuwaiti society and representing a long-term partnership with the youth and meets their needs in a way that suits their lifestyles.”

“The new digital bank is a major milestone in our digital transformation agenda as we