The shifting cybersands: Kaspersky shares threat landscape insights and predictions for 2023 – ARAB TIMES – KUWAIT NEWS – Arab Times Kuwait News

  • Date: 13-Dec-2022
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The shifting cybersands: Kaspersky shares threat landscape insights and predictions for 2023 – ARAB TIMES – KUWAIT NEWS – Arab Times Kuwait News

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KUWAIT CITY, Dec 12: Kaspersky has shared the evolution of the digital threat landscape in the Middle East, Turkey and Africa (META) region and worldwide during its annual Cyber Security Weekend – META, which took place in Jordan. Kaspersky experts discussed various topics and threats specifically facing enterprises, businesses and industrial organizations and shared threat predictions for the upcoming year. A special focus was made on security for emerging technologies, such as robotics, IoT, and critical industry-specific threats – these technologies should be addressed through a secure by design approach such as Kaspersky’s Cyber Immunity.

“Today’s hyper-connected world requires us to reconsider the way we do cybersecurity. We need to shift toward a more reliable approach – one with no room for error. This is why we’re working on developing Cyber Immune products with “innate” protection against cyberthreats. Most attacks on the Cyber Immune systems are ineffective. It’s through events like this one in Jordan that we’re able to share our innovations and educate our audience about a safer and more resilient digital world where Cyber Immunity is the new norm,” said Eugene Kaspersky, CEO of Kaspersky.