Success secrets of CBSE toppers: Regular studies and no phones

  • Date: 16-May-2024
  • Source: Times of Oman
  • Sector:Technology
  • Country:Oman
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Success secrets of CBSE toppers: Regular studies and no phones

MUSCAT: In a society often engulfed by the allure of digital devices, the remarkable achievement of Riti Mithesh Patel of Indian School Muscat (ISM) and Akshaya Alagappan of Indian School Al Maabela (ISAM), joint toppers of the CBSE class 10th board exams in Oman, sheds light on a different narrative.

Their outstanding success is not just a testament to academic excellence but also to the power of disciplined study routines and a deliberate distancing from mobile phones. Reflecting on their journey to the top, Riti and Akshaya underlined the significance of consistent effort and focused study habits.

Despite the initial aim being set at a respectable 98%, Riti’s remarkable score of 98.8% and Akshaya’s parallel achievement were beyond their own expectations.

Riti expressed her thoughts, and said, “My efforts were sincere, but I expected my score to be 98%. To reach 98.8% is something I will cherish more.”

Akshaya, elated with her unexpected success, admitted, “I am really very happy with my grades as I really didn’t expect to be an Oman topper. I had set my goal to be the school topper. To be Oman topper is certainly like an icing on the cake.”

Their dedication to daily study schedules is evident, with Riti