Bayzat digital platforms will electrify workplace in 2023 – Saudi Gazette

Bayzat digital platforms will electrify workplace in 2023 – Saudi Gazette

By Talal Bayaa, CEO and Co-Founder of Bayzat

If WEF chief Professor Klaus Schwab is to believe, dramatic change is happening at exponential speed. “We are at the beginning of a revolution that is fundamentally changing the way we live, work and relate to one another,” he writes in his new book, The Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Businesses around the world are indeed undergoing a transformation as they increasingly relate to a global ecosystem based on a web of core tech trends including AI/machine learning, edge computing & analytics, hyperscalers, workplace automation, and workforce technology. These are the trends which would continue dominating headlines in 2023.

Digital Transformation

The big thing that is happening globally is digital transformation. In a business space, digital shift refers to the integration of advanced tech solutions into every area of a business in order to transform existing processes.

According to International Data Corporation (IDC), this transformation was stated to grow at the compound annual growth rate of 16.7% and reach $1.97 trillion by the year 2022. No less than 50% of the global GDP was estimated to be digitized by 2021.

Interestingly, as Bayzat expands its footprint in the Middle East region, we find these changes of global significance making a