E3 customer experience conference to reinforce customer experience agenda for Riyadh

E3 customer experience conference to reinforce customer experience agenda for Riyadh

Dr. Fahad Al Twaijry, Director of Ejtemaat KSA notes “CX leaders in Saudi Arabia and the wider GCC region have the potential to become acknowledged leaders in customer centricity in line with international standards. The battle is by no means won, there are a still a lot of challenges ahead and in truth Customer Experience needs to and will evolve globally. Whilst the concept of customer centricity is relatively new in the GCC, for those who invest in their companies and their people, the future is very bright and this is where the leaders of tomorrow will emerge. This conference will stimulate new ideas, challenge existing beliefs and help accelerate people’s capability and career in a fast paced but collaborative way”.

The 3rd day of E3 2022 is designed to deep dive into CX training and career development, offering delegates certification pathways and internationally informed learnings for professionals looking to refresh skillsets and spearhead KSA’s next level CX projects. Certification Programmes held in Arabic and English include Customer Experience Foundation and Customer Service Foundation, certified by the Customer Experience and Service Association Middle East (CXSA).

Addressing KSA’s readiness to advance to new CX adaptations, Abdullah M. Albahouth, General Manager of Insurance from