Global digital body DCO pledges during Riyadh summit to promote social prosperity using AI

Global digital body DCO pledges during Riyadh summit to promote social prosperity using AI

RIYADH: The Digital Cooperation Organization agreed to adopt the “Riyadh AI Call for Action Declaration” following a ministerial roundtable held during the Global AI Summit on Sept. 13. The declaration seeks to use AI technology to benefit people, communities, nations, and the world as a whole, a press release said. The DCO is a global digital organization founded in 2020 by seven member states—Bahrain, Jordan, Kuwait, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia — but has recently added Morocco, Djibouti, and Rwanda to its ranks The call to action aims to advance the DCO’s commitment to identify and address present, emerging and future humanitarian issues in the field of AI, the statement said. “DCO was created with the ethos of establishing an inclusive digital economy through collaboration across diverse entities at all levels. The RAICA declaration is this idea put into practice,” Secretary General of DCO, Deemah Al-Yahya, said. All members of DCO signed the declaration. She added: “By signing this declaration, all DCO member states are reaffirming their shared desire to usher in a brighter future for all by harnessing the huge potential of AI to improve the lives of people around the world.” The declaration consists of seven pillars,