‎IMF predicts continued strong growth of Saudi non-oil economy in 2023

‎IMF predicts continued strong growth of Saudi non-oil economy in 2023

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) said it expects the strong growth of the Saudi non-oil economy to continue in 2023.

However, it forecasts a decline in oil production to comply with the OPEC+ agreement.

In its World Economic Outlook report, the IMF lowered its GDP growth estimates for the Kingdom by nearly 1.1% to 2.6% in 2023, but raised its forecast by about 0.5% to 3.4% for 2024.

On the other hand, the fund raised its projection for global economic growth by 0.2% to 2.9% in 2023, while lowering it by 0.1% to 3.1% for 2024.