Innovation is the centerpiece of KAUST’s role in Saudi Arabia and the world

Innovation is the centerpiece of KAUST’s role in Saudi Arabia and the world

King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) is a catalyst for innovation; by paving the way for new technology, new talent, educating and upskilling the Saudi Arabian workforce through new programs and aligning with Vision 2030. Since its inception in 2009, KAUST was purposefully designed to bring the power of innovation to address many of the challenges experienced in the region, in the sectors of environment, food, water and energy. These are the foundation pillars of KAUST. In my tenure at KAUST and as the world has evolved, I have added the pillars of health and digital; including artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, and big data. KAUST has successfully turned every crisis that we have faced, including COVID-19, into an opportunity to be of service to the Kingdom and the world. At the start of the pandemic, we developed the COVID-19 Rapid Response Team, pivoting the University’s top researchers to focus their expertise on innovative research outcomes that address the virus. We had many successful innovations as a result. For example, a KAUST-developed COVID-19 RT-PCR test, the Kingdom’s first, is now SFDA-approved. KAUST startup Noor DX provides a full suite of processing equipment using biotech diagnostics developed by Professor of Bioscience