KSA Business: Saudi Arabia reports $4bn investment deals in Q1 – Gulf Digital News

KSA Business: Saudi Arabia reports $4bn investment deals in Q1 – Gulf Digital News

Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Investment (MISA) today announced that it oversaw 101 investment deals worth more than $4 billion in Q1 2022.

The deals announced are expected to create more than 5,800 new jobs in the domestic economy, as the Kingdom’s transformation journey continues to present investment opportunities in new and exciting sectors, MISA said.

The announcement comes after recent data showed that FDI inflows to Saudi Arabia in 2021 reached $19.3 billion, the highest in ten years.

The figures were published in MISA’s Investment Highlights report which includes in-depth analysis of key Saudi investment data and themes. The report includes an extended analysis of the dynamic real estate industry, spearheaded by a special feature from Majed Al Hoqail, Minister of Municipal, Rural Affairs, and Housing.

The report also includes exclusive interviews with leaders from the private sector and major investors in the real estate sector, such as: Jabal Omar, ACWA Power, Amazon MENA, Roshn and Lucid, sharing their experiences and journey through the Kingdom’s investment environment.

Further highlighting Saudi Arabia’s positive economic momentum, the IMF recently projected that its economy would experience the second-fastest growth in the G20 this year. Likewise, Fitch Ratings recently revised Saudi Arabia’s Long-Term Foreign-Currency Issuer Default Rating outlook upwards