KSA: Saudi King and Biden hold talks about regional developments, co-operation – Gulf Digital News

KSA: Saudi King and Biden hold talks about regional developments, co-operation – Gulf Digital News

The White House said yesterday that President Joe Biden spoke with Saudi Arabia’s King Salman to discuss regional developments and issues of mutual concern, “including Iranian-enabled attacks by the Houthis against civilian targets in Saudi Arabia.”

A statement from the White House said Biden underscored Washington’s commitment to supporting Saudi Arabia in the defence of its people and territory from Houthi attacks and “full support for UN-led efforts to end the war in Yemen.”

“The President noted his commitment to ensuring that Iran can never obtain a nuclear weapon and briefed the King on ongoing multilateral talks to re-establish constraints on Iran’s nuclear programme,” the White House said.

“The two leaders discussed matters pertaining to the Middle East region and Europe and agreed that their teams would remain closely co-ordinated over the coming weeks and months,” according to the statement.

They also discussed global energy supplies. Biden and officials from his administration have unsuccessfully pressured Saudi Arabia and other Opec+ members to increase their crude output to lower domestic oil prices.

“Both leaders further reiterated the US’ and Saudi Arabia’s commitment to ensuring the stability of global energy supplies,” the White House said.

The state-run Saudi Press Agency (SPA) said the two leaders spoke of the need to strengthen co-operation for regional stability and to confront terrorism. 

King Salman stressed the importance of abiding by Opec+ agreements and the need to maintain stability in the oil markets.

He also thanked Biden for standing with Saudi Arabia and “meeting its