Largest Study Reveals Diversity of Habitats in Red Sea

Largest Study Reveals Diversity of Habitats in Red Sea

The Red Sea Development Company, the developer of the world's most ambitious renewable tourism projects, has published the results of one of the largest environmental studies on the ecosystems of living organisms, which it conducted in the Red Sea region.

The research study was released at the five-day UN Ocean Conference in Lisbon, Portugal, which kicked off its activities on June 27.

The event has drawn senior officials and scientists from more than 120 countries to the Atlantic port city in Southwest Europe, as well as activists dismayed by the failure to come up with international rules that might ensure ocean sustainability.

The 11-month long study was conducted along the Saudi Arabian Red Sea coast and revealed the rich diversity of habitats, flora, and fauna in one of the world’s largest environmental surveys of wildlife ecosystems.

It includes a number of endangered species, such as the Halavi Guitarfish, Hawksbill Sea Turtle, Sooty Falcon and an eight-meter-high single coral colony estimated to be around 600 years old.

The company conducted this study, which represents the largest effort of its kind by a private sector development company, to understand and evaluate natural systems before and during the development processes.

The study is similar to the initiatives undertaken by