LinkedIn top startups 2021: The 10 Saudi companies on the rise

LinkedIn top startups 2021: The 10 Saudi companies on the rise

Saudi Arabia is the fastest growing ecosystem in the region and homegrown startups have been increasingly attracting capital, with funding reaching a record high in 2020, according to Magnitt.

The government, as it looks to diversity its economy under progressive Vision 2030 plans, has been one of the main enablers of the ecosystem, activating legal frameworks or sandbox environments in key sectors like fintech.

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Those efforts have managed to attract international investors to Saudi businesses, with Softbank recently making its first investment in the Kingdom, while the flourishing startup scene is encouraging many Saudi professionals to branching out and become business founders.

LinkedIn has now compiled its list of what it ranks as the top ten startups in the country, analyzing employee growth; jobseeker interest; member engagement with the company and its employees.

1. Sary

What you should know: Headquartered in Riyadh with 300 employers, Sary is a startup that connects micro and small businesses (mainly grocery stores and food and beverage businesses) with wholesalers and FMCGs. It raised $30.5 million Series B led by VentureSouq.

2. Tamara

What you should know: Headquartered in Riyadh with 95 employees, Tamara is a payments firm