Najm spotlights digital transformation journey at LEAP 2024

Najm spotlights digital transformation journey at LEAP 2024

Najm for Insurance Services Company is sponsoring the third edition of LEAP 2024, the premier technology event in the region, presently underway at the Riyadh Exhibition and Convention Center.

Through its participation in this event, which runs until March 7, Najm is showcasing its digital services and initiatives, highlighting its recent digital transformation journey. The company will also spotlight its efforts in raising awareness around traffic safety by providing services that leverage artificial intelligence systems and data analysis, emphasizing its role as the digital partner for insurance companies.

Najm’s pavilion at the entrance of Hall No. 1 showcases the company’s latest technological developments that enhance road safety and improve the quality of life for the community.

Najm’s CEO Mohammad Al-Shehri said: “Our participation in LEAP 2024 demonstrates our remarkable journey in digital transformation, and our ability to integrate relevant parties at multiple levels, starting with offering an advanced connectivity network that supports Najm’s services across the Kingdom. Additionally, Najm has established a modern and advanced data center that supports cloud solutions. This center is linked to advanced cybersecurity systems that will help to fully protect the Najm network.”

Al-Shehri added: “Najm provides automated services to facilitate the flow of operations with partners and government