OpenAI launches ChatGPT mobile app for iPhone; Android app coming soon

OpenAI launches ChatGPT mobile app for iPhone; Android app coming soon

OpenAI Inc. is bringing its ChatGPT generative AI tool to smartphones for the first time, releasing an iPhone version on Thursday and promising a service for Android devices in the future.

The software, which is free, is now available in the US for iOS devices through Apple Inc.’s App Store.

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With it, users can type questions and receive responses from the chatbot. It also includes voice recognition so users will be able to speak their queries, according to a Thursday blog post from the Palo Alto, California-based startup. The bot will only respond in writing, however. The app also syncs text-based conversations across various devices.

Users who pay for OpenAI’s ChatGPT Plus subscription can also use its most powerful large language model, GPT-4, via the app, the company said. OpenAI plans to offer its app in more countries in the coming weeks and expects to roll out the Android version soon.

Since its release on the web late last year, millions of people have experimented with ChatGPT and other bots — such as Bard, created by Alphabet Inc.’s Google. This new wave of chatbots are built atop LLMs, the AI models