Oracle to open third public cloud region in Saudi Arabia

Oracle to open third public cloud region in Saudi Arabia

Oracle has announced plans to open a third public cloud region in Saudi Arabia. Located in Riyadh, the new region will be part of a planned $1.5bn investment from from company to expand cloud infrastructure capabilities in the kingdom. The Oracle Cloud Riyadh Region will join the existing Oracle Cloud Jeddah Region and the planned region to be located in Neom. This investment is included in an MoU that Oracle has signed with the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT) to help Saudi Arabian businesses take advantage of the latest innovations in the cloud. The MoU was signed during Oracle CEO, Safra Catz’s recent visit to Riyadh in the presence of Eng Haitham AlOhali, Vice Minister, MCIT. The company also plans to expand the capacity of the Jeddah region. “In the last century, Saudi Arabia transformed its economy by developing the infrastructure needed to produce, refine, process and transport hydrocarbons. This century we are committed to creating the digital infrastructure that will underpin future economies,” said Khalid Al-Falih, Minister of Investment. “Oracle’s decision to expand its cloud computing capacity in the kingdom will play a key role in unlocking the opportunities that rapid technological advancements are creating.” “MISA will