Revenue Of Alphabet And Meta The ‘Digital Duopoly’ Have Been Slipping

Revenue Of Alphabet And Meta The ‘Digital Duopoly’ Have Been Slipping

Share to Linkedin Facebook and Google (The "Digital Duopoly") reported their weakest earnings report since going ... [+] public with economic slowdowns and more competition are among the reasons. (Photo by DENIS CHARLET / AFP) (Photo by DENIS CHARLET/AFP via Getty Images) Five years ago, eMarketer estimated the "digital duopoly" of Google GOOG (now Alphabet) and Facebook (now Meta) would account for 63% of all U. S. digital ad dollars (Microsoft ranked third with a 4% share), as marketers continued to invest heavily in search and social. Additionally, the two companies had generated over $100 billion in global ad dollars. With Google and Facebook riding high, in 2017 digital ad dollars had surpassed television for the first time. Fast forward to 2022 and those halcyon days appear to be over. Both Meta and Alphabet just reported their poorest quarterly earnings report since going public. While advertisers continue to invest in digital media, accounting for upwards of two-thirds of their advertising budgets, the one-time dominance of the "digital duopoly" has eroded. There are several reasons. Amazon AMZN has become more interested in advertising as a revenue source. TikTok, was launched and has grown in prominence especially with younger users. In addition,