Saudi Arabia evolves into a digital hub, regional leader in 5G

Saudi Arabia evolves into a digital hub, regional leader in 5G

In Saudi Arabia, 60 of the 136 governates were covered by 5G services as of mid-2021, up from 30 just one year earlier.

In addition, stc and Zain have deployed commercial 5G Stand Alone (SA) networks in Saudi Arabia – stc has also launched 5G SA in Kuwait – giving the ability to address demanding enterprise use cases and scale solutions more effectively.

Two-day conference

The two-day conference hosted by the GSMA is the first in-person gathering of the telecoms industry in the Mena region since before the pandemic.

Mobile 360 Riyadh is being hosted at the Hilton Riyadh Hotel in partnership with stc, a Saudi digital enabler in the region, bringing together policymakers, regulatory authorities and leaders from the connectivity industry to discuss the future of the region’s digital transformation.

Varied agenda

A varied agenda and speaker line-up explores the rapid digital investment plans in Saudi Arabia under the guidance of Vision 2030, the kingdom’s strategic framework designed to diversify its economy and develop sectors such as health, education, infrastructure, recreation and tourism.

With the Mena region set to unleash the power of digital connectivity and become a leading centre for business, innovation, and entertainment – Mobile 360 Riyadh has arrived at the perfect time. The