Saudi Arabia races to find technologies for futuristic cities

Saudi Arabia races to find technologies for futuristic cities

Saudi Arabia is urgently seeking new technologies for its construction and real estate sectors as it races to make good on its pledge to build futuristic multi-billion-dollar cities. Tonomus, a subsidiary of crown prince Mohammed bin Salman’s $500 billion signature Neom development, has joined forces with the Public Investment Fund to launch a competition offering […]

Tonomus running innovation contest

Seeking tech for giga-projects

Worldwide entries invited

Saudi Arabia is urgently seeking new technologies for its construction and real estate sectors as it races to make good on its pledge to build futuristic multi-billion-dollar cities.

Tonomus, a subsidiary of crown prince Mohammed bin Salman’s $500 billion signature Neom development, has joined forces with the Public Investment Fund to launch a competition offering startups resources to speed up their innovations.

Under the Tonomus Venture Studio’s umbrella, Project PropTech calls for ventures leveraging artificial intelligence, machine learning and data analytics. 

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It invites data-driven ideas for project designers in the pre-build phase to “stay on top of changing market dynamics and more effectively predict and manage the economics and success factors of their projects”.

Additionally, it seeks predictive systems for construction companies that would aid in forecasting project costs, minimising