Saudi Arabia, Tunisia Sign 7 MoU in Various Fields

Saudi Arabia, Tunisia Sign 7 MoU in Various Fields

Saudi Arabia and Japan embarked on a journey to establish joint investments spanning multiple nations, aimed at optimizing supply chains within the mining sector over the next two years.

A high-ranking Japanese official stressed the importance of Saudi Arabia as Japan's most significant strategic partner.

Japan's Minister of Economy, Trade, and Industry, Saito Ken, announced the positive outcomes of the Saudi-Japanese Investment Forum 2023, which recently concluded its work in Riyadh.

In an exclusive interview with Asharq Al-Awsat, Saito noted that the Saudi Minister of Investment, Khalid al-Falih, unequivocally affirmed that Japanese companies enjoy distinct competitive advantages when investing in significant projects within Saudi Arabia.

Saito described Saudi Arabia as a strategic partner for developing industries in the Kingdom.

He highlighted that his delegation comprised Japanese enterprises spanning various vital sectors.

- Strategic partnership

The Minister noted that Saudi Arabia's strategic geographic location as a significant hub linking Asia, Africa, and Europe is an advantage that can be harnessed to maximize strategic bilateral cooperation.

He indicated great opportunities to maximize mining cooperation and launch collaborative investments in several countries.

He said that Japan seeks to increase its partnership with the Kingdom in these areas and share its ambitions, adding that Tokyo is eager to explore Saudi investment opportunities for