Schneider Electric begins largest-ever technology showcase in Saudi Arabia

Schneider Electric begins largest-ever technology showcase in Saudi Arabia

- French Ambassador hails ‘transformative moment’ in the Kingdom

- Chairman Jean-Pascal Tricoire: We will contribute to Saudi Arabia’s sustainability and technology growth

- Mohammad Shaheen, Cluster President: We proudly say that Schneider Electric products are Made in Saudi Arabia

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia: Schneider Electric, a global leader in the digital transformation of energy management and automation, kicked off its largest-ever technology showcase in the Kingdom during the inaugural Saudi Arabia Innovation Summit.

The summit welcomed government officials, diplomats and global business leaders in Riyadh to foster critical conversations on sustainability, energy efficiency and technology growth.

In his opening remarks, His Excellency Eng. Ahmed Al Zahrani, Assistant Minister of Development and Excellence at Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Energy, said: "In today's dynamic landscape, innovation has transitioned from being a luxury to a necessity. It is through continuous innovation that we can address the complex challenges we face and unlock new opportunities for growth and development.

“We are guided by five critical innovation pillars – a circular carbon economy, conventional power, renewable energy, sustainability, and hydrocarbons, which help us shape a holistic and integrated approach towards innovation and sustainable development.”

Ludovic Pouille, French Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, added: “France's enduring legacy in electricity and sustainability over two centuries