Tabadul Launches Beyond An over-arching strategy to accelerate championing of digital logistics

Tabadul Launches Beyond An over-arching strategy to accelerate championing of digital logistics

Tabadul, the leading  Saudi Electronic Info Exchange Company that provides innovative digital and fintech services to the business and logistics sectors, has unveiled its new strategy, Beyond. The announcement was made in a grand ceremony attended by Tabadul’s staff at the Voco Hotel in Riyadh. 


The over-arching strategy cements Tabadul’s position as the cornerstone of Saudi Arabia’s logistics value chain that will drive the digital transformation of the sector across the region. Accordingly, the new strategy will strengthen collaboration with stakeholders from both the public and private sectors to highlight the true value of synergy that will transform the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia into a regional role model in logistics operations efficiency and a facilitator of the regional and global trade system.