The most popular roles among MENA independent consultants

The most popular roles among MENA independent consultants

The market of independent professionals in the Middle East is growing rapidly, according to analysis from Outsized. What are the most popular roles among freelance consultants in the region? The freelance platform’s ‘Talent-On-Demand 2024’ report, a wide-ranging look at the freelance market in the MENA region, shows a huge demand for independent consultants thanks to major transformation programs under Vision 2030 banners and construction projects like Saudi Arabia’s Neom and other mega projects. Such work is driving demand for external consultants, with independent professionals snatching a growing share of the market. The region is going through rapid development and digital transformation, which means local work culture has also been shifting towards the agile and flexible models that have already emerged as the new normal in Europe and North America after the pandemic. Most of the demand for independent consultants is in areas like finance, risk, production, sales, marketing, and more. Another crucial area is ESG and sustainability, as countries in the region (especially the GCC nations) are rapidly shifting away from fossil fuels with ambitious net-zero goals. The UAE and Oman have set a goal to achieve net zero emissions by 2050, while Saudi Arabia has a 2060 goal.