US expected to lift ban on sale of offensive weapons to Saudi Arabia

US expected to lift ban on sale of offensive weapons to Saudi Arabia

The stories that matter on money and politics in the race for the White House

The US is expected lift its ban on the sale of offensive weapons to Saudi Arabia, potentially in the coming weeks, according to US officials.

US President Joe Biden suspended the sale of such armaments to the kingdom three years ago, shortly after he entered the White House, criticising the conduct of the kingdom’s war in Yemen amid concerns about American-made weapons being used in air strikes that killed civilians.

But the decision has been under review after the UN brokered a truce in 2022 that has largely held as Riyadh has sought to extract itself from Yemen’s civil conflict, which it entered nine years ago.

Lifting the ban would be the latest sign of improving ties between the Biden administration and Riyadh.

Washington has already signalled to Saudi Arabia — traditionally one of the biggest buyers of US weaponry — that it was prepared to lift the ban, according to one person familiar with the matter.

The White House declined to comment.

Biden came to office promising to make Saudi Arabia a “pariah” because of his concerns about human rights in the kingdom, notably after the brutal 2018 murder of veteran