Workplace Trends “” today and in a post COVID-19 world – Saudi Gazette

Workplace Trends “” today and in a post COVID-19 world – Saudi Gazette

DUBAI “” The future workplace will be a more dynamic, fluid and digitized environment, one that can answer multiple requirements with single, one-stop solutions.

While the present climate engenders quite a bit of uncertainty, it is CBRE's view that the pandemic has only highlighted the areas where companies would be right to focus; wellbeing, flexibility and the adoption of present and future technologies to reduce frictions and increase efficiency and connectedness.

CBRE has identified seven overarching Workplace Trends that are impacting both tangible features of commercial spaces as well as having an impact on choices for both developers and occupiers:

A Tech-enabled FutureWhile technology has replaced the physical environment with a virtual one that is easily accessible, instead of viewing it as an ultimate disruptor, it should be looked at as a differentiator that is enabling workplace flexibility.

However, in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, firms that may have been hesitant to adapt previously now have to pivot quickly to remain competitive. Brought on by the pandemic, offices will be adopting newer technologies to reduce common touch points.

Some tenants and landlords were beginning to track office usage with sensors, which determined heavily trafficked areas even before COVID-19. Beyond the outbreak, these same sensors