World News: Low expectations on Biden summit – Gulf Digital News

World News: Low expectations on Biden summit – Gulf Digital News

The upcoming Jeddah summit that will bring together the leaders of GCC countries, Egypt, Iraq and Jordan with US President Joe Biden will not witness a major breakthrough in relations with the US, according to political observers.

It is difficult for GCC leaders and heads of Arab states in general to trust any pledges or promises made by Biden, due to the bitter experience with the US administration and denial of its commitments as well as its weak stance concerning the Iranian threat to the region and disregard for Arab interests, they said.

“The Arab leaders will maintain the traditional partnership only,” they noted, according to a report in our sister paper Akhbar Al Khaleej. They expect the Iran file to be high on the summit agenda.

The US has remained silent about the fact that, through Iran’s militia proxies, Iraq has allowed Iran to circumvent the sanctions, carry on with its escalatory path, and seek to impose conditions that transgress international treaties related to combating terrorism.

Also, commercial relations based on trade exchange between Iran and China and Russia, as well as with several other countries, provide Tehran with additional tangible alternatives, while Iraq remains the main source of funding when it comes