UAE tops Arab world in ‘future readiness’: Index

  • Date: 21-Sep-2021
  • Source: Al Arabiya
  • Sector:Technology
  • Country:UAE
  • Who else needs to know?

UAE tops Arab world in ‘future readiness’: Index

The United Arab Emirates has been ranked number one in the Arab world for preparedness for the future and digital innovation, a new Future Readiness Economic Index showed.

The UAE also ranked third among 27 emerging global economies after Singapore and Israel, the report, compiled by the Washington-based Portolans Institute in collaboration with Google, showed.

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Other Arab countries in the Future Readiness Economic Index’s top 100 include Qatar (35th), Saudi Arabia (41st), Kuwait (65th), Jordan (73rd), Lebanon (88th) and Egypt (89th).

The report – which focuses on four main pillars; institutions and infrastructure, technology, talent and innovation - aims to provide countries with a way of measuring future readiness and serve as a guide to strategy and policy decisions.

Each main pillar includes 15 sub-pillars that monitor government competencies, such as the ability to prepare for the future, embrace digital transformation, invest in human capital, attract talent and invest in research and development.

The UAE secured leading positions in the main pillars of the index. Globally, it ranked third in monitoring skills and the use of modern technologies, fourth in attracting talent and sixth in creating its own talent.

It also ranked