Digital transformation will eventually edge out the big players, says expert

  • Date: 30-Nov-2022
  • Source: The Gulf Time
  • Sector:Technology
  • Country:UAE
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Digital transformation will eventually edge out the big players, says expert

Abu Dhabi / WAM

An imminent paradigm shift in the digital world with declining dominance of big players is likely to occur, as it happened in the evolution of global climate discourse, according to a top media expert.

It will be like how climatologists and climate activists influenced global climate discourse that compelled the bigger nations to comply with certain protocols on climate change, said Sashi Kumar, Chairman of Asian College of Journalism in Chennai in India, who is one of India’s most prominent media figures.

“I think we are at an inflection point now. Some big techs are facing crisis with large-scale layoffs and investment cuts. As digital space offers enough space and opportunity for diverse players, when they aggregate together and push back against the big giants, that will be the beginning of the defeat of the big tech,” Kumar told the Emirates News Agency (WAM) during Global Media Congress in Abu Dhabi.

Unlike in the industrial revolution, the developments in Information and Communications Technology (ICT) are quicker, he pointed out.

“So, it could happen in the next 5 or 10 years. But I think there is bound to be a redefinition of the digital world order, which will