Etisalat key regional, international player in 5G: CEO

Etisalat key regional, international player in 5G: CEO

"Today Etisalat's mobile network is recognised by Ookla as the fastest in the world showcasing high speeds all throughout this year. UAE network ranked with the fastest mobile download speed worldwide in January, March and July 2020. Etisalat is also the winner of Ookla's Speedtest Awards for fastest fixed broadband network in Q3-Q4 2019 and was recognised in the same year as the leading operator for fastest mobile and broadband network. With a download speed of 115.89 mbps and an overall ranking in the 'Speed Score' at 98.78, Etisalat is the only operator globally to rank higher than 90 as per Ookla Speedtest data. The achievement is significant in current times when the pandemic caused global crisis highlighting the importance of a robust and up-to-date network."He added, "Etisalat was always the first in the region to take a lead and launch previous generations of the network mainly 3G, 4G and 5G. The network coverage today reaches across the country with 4G LTE network coverage touching 99.70 percent and 3G covering 99.82 percent. FTTH has reached 95.7 percent of homes across the UAE, maintaining the UAE's position as a global leader in FTTH for the third consecutive year. Network deployments in