Haltia.AI pioneers research into real-time knowledge capture with large language models

  • Date: 02-Feb-2024
  • Source: Zawya
  • Sector:Technology
  • Country:UAE
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Haltia.AI pioneers research into real-time knowledge capture with large language models

Dubai, UAE:– In a significant advancement for AI technology, Haltia.AI, a dynamic AI startup based in the UAE, has published a pioneering research paper titled "Prompt-Time Symbolic Knowledge Capture with Large Language Models" on arXiv.org . This achievement distinguishes Haltia.AI as the only fully private entity in the UAE to advance the field of AI through published research, an endeavor typically reserved for larger, more established corporations.

In this latest research endeavor, Haltia.AI's team sought to push the boundaries of Large Language Models (LLMs), vital tools in transforming human-machine interactions. Despite their proficiency in conversation, LLMs have shown limitations in learning from user-provided data. This study addresses the LLMs' challenge in assimilating knowledge beyond their training, particularly in capturing aspects of users’ personal lives and interactions.

To address this, the team, led by Dr. Tolga Çöplü and comprising Arto Bendiken, Andrii Skomorokhov, Eduard Bateiko, Stephen Cobb, and Joshua J. Bouw, developed three fundamental methods to enhance LLMs' ability to capture symbolic knowledge from user inputs. This approach aims to pave the way for more sophisticated, adaptive, and personalized AI applications, driving AI systems that can engage in dialogue and learn in a manner more congruent with human interactions.

The research introduces innovative methods