How to turn the UAE into a hub for greentech pioneers

  • Date: 09-Nov-2023
  • Source: Wamda
  • Sector:Technology
  • Country:UAE
  • Who else needs to know?

How to turn the UAE into a hub for greentech pioneers

Yassin Nasri, is the founder and CEO of ImpactGulf

With a keen focus on renewable energy, nurturing startups and fostering a culture of social innovation, the UAE is undoubtedly a regional leader in embracing the transition to a low-carbon economy. While this momentum is undeniable, there are a few missing components that are necessary to build a comprehensive and powerful sustainability ecosystem. 

The crux of this transformation begins at the pivotal intersection of startups and venture capital. It is at this juncture that pioneering green technology solutions are conceived and brought to life, and the groundwork is laid for fostering impactful investments that drive sustainability forward.

Potential of greentech in driving prosperity

The importance of greentech goes far beyond our collective mission of combating climate change and conserving our planet's resources. Sustainability bears a strong economic weight, representing a driver of growth and prosperity for society at large. According to Statista, the global green technology and sustainability market is expected to reach $62 billion by 2030. The robust growth of this market is a testament to the growing momentum towards environmentally friendly solutions. 

Embracing greentech

The UAE's fervent embrace of green technologies has propelled it to the forefront of global