Just what is phygital art, and why is Dubai going big on it?

  • Date: 29-May-2023
  • Source: Egypt Independent
  • Sector:Technology
  • Country:UAE
  • Who else needs to know?

Just what is phygital art, and why is Dubai going big on it?

CNN — “Phygital art” may not be the most elegant phrase in the English language, but it is generating a buzz in certain circles.

“Phygital” is a portmanteau of physical and digital – describing artworks that bring together the best of both worlds to create something entirely new.

Interest in digital art has grown since NFTs exploded into the mainstream in 2021, making headlines when artist Beeple sold one for $69 million at auction. But since then, enthusiasm for NFTs has cooled. Some see phygital as a way to ground digital works in more trusted, traditional forms, while others see them as a way of familiarizing the public with the idea of digital art.

Phygital works have started appearing at forward-looking galleries around the world, and with an exciting spate of recent initiatives, Dubai is seemingly determined to put this artform on the map.

The Art Dubai international fair has a digital component exploring new media and technology trends, including phygital works. In 2021 the Firetti Contemporary gallery held an exhibition called “NFT/ IRL” (in real life), displaying physical artworks next to their digital counterparts; The Mondoir Gallery recently opened in downtown Dubai, specializing in NFTs and embracing phygital, while the Theatre of Digital