Latifa bint Mohammed attends graduation of Dubai Institute of Design and Innovation’s second cohort

  • Date: 30-May-2023
  • Source: The Gulf Time
  • Sector:Technology
  • Country:UAE
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Latifa bint Mohammed attends graduation of Dubai Institute of Design and Innovation’s second cohort

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Her Highness Sheikha Latifa bint Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Chairperson of Dubai Culture and Arts Authority (Dubai Culture) and Member of the Dubai Council, attended the graduation ceremony of the second cohort of design students of the Dubai Institute of Design and Innovation’s (DIDI), at the Mohammed bin Rashid Library in Dubai.

HH Sheikha Latifa highlighted Dubai’s vision for the future, which centres on nurturing young leaders who can drive development across diverse fields. She emphasised Dubai’s commitment to providing the necessary education and knowledge to empower young talent to stay abreast of global advancements and design effective solutions that support growth in vital sectors.

She also underscored Dubai’s continuous endeavour to provide the creative sector with young talented innovators capable of integrating technology solutions with entrepreneurial principles and driving meaningful change in the design field. “Dubai is steadfast in its mission to strengthen and energise the cultural and creative industries sector,” she said.

“By amplifying its intrinsic value, harnessing its potential, and optimising its contribution to the UAE’s GDP, the emirate is creating an attractive landscape for projects and programmes that support the