Leveraging the Service Recovery Paradox

  • Date: 31-May-2024
  • Source: SME10X
  • Sector:Technology
  • Country:UAE
  • Who else needs to know?

Leveraging the Service Recovery Paradox

The SME landscape in markets such as the UAE and KSA is fiercely competitive. In a region where customer loyalty can be the inflection point between thriving and merely surviving, a strong customer experience (CX) is a strong foundation for growth.The link between business performance and CX is not surprising. In one of our recent studies, we compared the performance of 200 stores for a luxury brand based on their CX performance on the Advocacy Index. The stores ranking within the highest percentile (top 20 percent) in CX saw a 50percent jump in customer spending and a 50 percent increase in conversion rates. These happy customers were also more open to additional purchases and to recommend the brand to others. The bottom line is that prioritizing CX gives businesses a clear edge in today's competitive market.Building consistent customer experience (CX) takes time and resources, which can be challenging even for established brands, let alone young and growing companies. Limited resources, rapidly growing customer bases, a lack of established processes and pressure to scale quickly can make it difficult to consistently meet customer expectations. Additionally, the UAE and KSA have their own cultural nuances when it comes to customer service. Understanding