The ‘digital nomad’ workforce is here – will the COVID-spurred ‘workation’ boom last?

  • Date: 20-Dec-2022
  • Source: Al Arabiya
  • Sector:Technology
  • Country:UAE
  • Who else needs to know?

The ‘digital nomad’ workforce is here – will the COVID-spurred ‘workation’ boom last?

The world witnessed a seismic shift toward remote work in 2020, during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic when the majority of the world was forced into lockdown.

This shift has impacted the experience of the full-time employee, further boosting the global population of digital nomads. This 'new' workforce continues to grow as remote workers continue to scatter the globe en masse.

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Digital nomads are defined as people who choose to embrace a lifestyle independent of location and enabled by technology as they travel the world and work remotely, settling in any country so long as there is an internet connection for them to carry on working. Unlike regular remote workerswho tend to stick to one geographic area, digital nomads choose to travel and explore the world while working.

With the desire to roam the world now more than ever, digital nomads are still globetrotting post-COVID-19 and believe that this trend is here to stay. Many have flocked to Dubai, with the emirate recently voted as the most entrepreneur-friendly city in the world while also offering some of the best infrastructure for nomads to work remotely.

Many businesses have already