The laws behind Dubai’s digital transformation: A look at the legislations

  • Date: 16-Jul-2023
  • Source: Gulf News
  • Sector:Technology
  • Country:UAE
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The laws behind Dubai’s digital transformation: A look at the legislations

Dubai: When Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai and Chairman of The Executive Council, launched Dubai’s new Digital Strategy last month, he unveiled an ambitious plan for turning Dubai into an international leader in the digital sector. Centred on seven key pillars including the digital city, digital economy, data and statistics, digital talent, digital infrastructure, cybersecurity, and digital competitiveness, the strategy created a clear roadmap for Dubai’s transformation into one of the world’s top digital economies over the next decade. Underpinning all these pillars is an extensive set of legislative frameworks and judicial systems that Dubai has been building for over two decades, which provide the perfect platform for its new strategic push to become the capital of the global digital economy. The emirate has been a pioneer in developing specialised legislations and judicial systems to accelerate digital transformation. According to Ahmed bin Meshar, Secretary General of Dubai’s Supreme Legislation Committee, “Dubai’s visionary leadership recognised at a very early stage of its growth that robust legislative and regulatory frameworks are vital to delivering good governance, progress and prosperity. The world-class legal institutions and frameworks created by Dubai have played a vital role in its