UAE: 5 ways to prevent your car engine from overheating this summer

  • Date: 21-Jul-2022
  • Source: Khaleej Times
  • Sector:Technology
  • Country:UAE
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UAE: 5 ways to prevent your car engine from overheating this summer

Engines can reach temperatures of up to 130°C, causing expensive, irreperable damage

By Fausto Lupone Published: Thu 21 Jul 2022, 10:58 AM

In warm weather, engine temperatures can rocket from their normal range of 75 to 105°C to as high as 130°C. Overheating can occur, causing mid-journey driving issues and potentially expensive or even irreparable damage.

Signs that your engine is overheating include:

Burning smells

Thumping noises

A temperature gauge in the red zone

An excessively hot bonnet/hood

Here's how to deal with warning signs or even prevent them so summer road trips are as stress-free and pleasant as possible.

1. Carry out a coolant flush

Over time, everyday dirt and debris from the road can build up and block your engine's cooling system, preventing it from managing internal temperatures. A coolant flush drains these contaminants from your engine, making it a crucial procedure for maintaining a healthy vehicle and avoiding radiator clogs, engine corrosion, leaks, thermostat damage, and water pump issues.

Your car or motorbike manufacturer's manual should offer specialist advice on when and how to do a coolant flush for your model. But as a rule, you should try to carry out a flush every two years or every 40,000 miles—whichever comes first.

2. Turn off the air and switch