The Selling Gets Serious

  • Date: 28-Feb-2020
  • Source: The New York Times
  • Sector:Financial Markets
  • Country:GCC
  • Who else needs to know?

The Selling Gets Serious

" Brutal virus selling " is a blunt but effective way to describe the market rout over the past six trading days.. It has risen 340 percent since the market last bottomed out in March 2009.). Putting off purchases or postponing trips is one thing, but the longer the outbreak goes on - and the wider it spreads - the greater the chance that forgone economic activity may be lost forever.. Facebook canceled its annual developer conference , and the parent companies of British Airways and EasyJet warned today that the virus would hit their profits .. Rate cuts won't prevent the economic hit from supply chain disruption or demand compression as a result of the virus.. Countries have begun to unveil huge economic stimulus programs, with South Korea distributing more than $13 billion in emergency funds for businesses and consumers, similar to an earlier $15 billion plan in Hong Kong.. And China is relaxing its rules on how banks deal with bad loans , giving borrowers and lenders more of a cushion as economic activity grinds to a halt.. Tax plan backed by Bernie Sanders could whack start-up employees. The agency also